Consistency Above All

G’Day, in the last edition I told you about:

  • 🆕New Way of Promoting on Reddit

  • ⛏️The Truth about Farming Karma

  • 🚀How I Tripled my Followers on Instagram

In today’s newsletter:

  • 🚧Why Reach on Reddit is Limited

  • 🔐The Secret to Success

  • 🎉10k on Instagram!

💺Reddit’s sidelined for now

I’ve put reddit a bit to the side, as the Instagram is growing like crazy and I am doubling down on it.

I’ve also gone into finding clips and hosting them so I can view and use them from anywhere in the world.

🚧Why Reach on Reddit is Limited

The reality of my situation is that r/Entrepreneur, the main subreddit I am using, doesn’t get enough viewership for me to scale that method infinitely, for me 20 subs a day is the max.

Maybe other products or people with more marketing knowledge can achieve better.

Having said that, I’ve achieved CPA(cost per acquisition) of 60 cents, which is amazing, as the industry standard is between 1$ and 2$.

⚖️Middle ground is where you want to be

The key with that approach is you have to hit the sweet spot.

If you’re too early on a rising post which gains a lot of popularity, your comment will most likely get deleted.

If you’re too late, then you’ll get no traffic.

It’s all about the middle ground:

  • 70-90 upvote posts on weekends

  • 50-70 on weekdays

That is valid for r/Entrepreneur and simillar subreddits.

The daily top posts gain between 150-250 upvotes and low performing ones between 15 and 30. The middle ground for your subreddits, might be different, so adapt as needed.

🔐Consistency is the “Secret Sauce”

The past few days, it’s been rough, I am commenting, but everything is getting either deleted or doesn’t get any traffic.

There are good and bad days, in both Reddit and Instagram, sometimes it’s amazing, sometimes it’s not, the key is doing the same every day.

I was sick and I was on vacation 2 times, I still did both. It was harder and slower, but I did it.

It’s about consistency, you might do less work, but you have to put in the effort.

📌Commenting Tips You Need

It’s best to comment on Top posts and the Mobile feed, both are hit or miss to be honest, but the Mobile Feed is better if you’re able to comment on a lot of posts from it.

If you publish a comment through a commenting service and it does not appear, wait and try again with a different link, it’ll most definitely appear.

It’s just Automod flagging the frequency or the link itself, there is no way to circumvent that other than spending another 20 cents and posting a second one.

Subreddits like r/AskReddit or r/Memes have so good auto moderation that you won’t be able to promote at all(I already tried, multiple times).

If a comment isn’t deleted within the first 48 hours, it’ll stay forever.

🎉10k on Instagram!

As with reddit Tuesday to Thursday are slow as hell on Instagram, the most engagement and followers are gained Friday till Monday.

This week I got to 10k followers, which seemed unachievable 2 weeks ago, but now it’s a reality, so as the normal greedy guy, I am now going for a 100k.

Jokes aside, if you want to know exactly what I do here’s the “secret sauce”, as gurus would call it:

  • Post 6 times a day, never schedule, just make alarms, one hour between a video

  • Repost the reel to story

  • Use an engaging and long caption with a great hook(something simple but intriguing)

That’s it, really. Consistency above all.

🎯Current Stats:

  • Newsletter: 1064 subscribers

  • Growth: +336 subscribers

Thanks for Reading!