GPT as my Social Media Manager

G’Day, in the last edition I told you about:

  • 💯Original Content!

  • 🥇First Video Edited by Me

  • ⛔I Got Shadow Banned???

In today’s newsletter:

  • 😥I Failed

  • 🤖The Age of Ai

  • 💻Chatting with the GPT

😥I Failed

As I told you last time, the videos I made were not met with the same love all the reposts were and thus got very low views.

Seeing that, I’ve decided I can’t continue trying as it’s like shooting in the dark, hoping to hit something.

Each shot(video) takes me 2-3 days and the results are underwhelming.

The main point of the account is to grow, so that the people who might be interested in my content would find it and receive the support and help needed on the journey to success.

Not everyone would be interested in the content I make and I get it.

Some people are just there for entertainment.

And yes, it’s my fault that the account was shaped that way.

We can’t change the past, but we can change the future.

🤖The Age of Ai

Having said that I recently listened to a podcast in which an influencer was telling his story of how he grew his account from 0 to 200k+ followers in just a few months.(link)

He did it with Ai, which inspired me to try it.

I instantly bought a subscription to GPT Plus and started shaping an own model to manage my account.

Why shape my own model, rather than use a ready one?

Well he said he did that, so I just followed in his footsteps.

I added my account info as a pdf into it’s knowledge and wrote the description to the model.

Description of GPT

💻Chatting with the GPT

The first thing I did was to make sure it understood all the info I’d fed it.

It did.

So we got to work and devised a 4 week plan to grow the account to 100k.

It was to post 4 times a day original content with a gradual change from announcements and showing the audience what I am doing to normal educational reels.

And 2 times a day TikTok reposts.

Last but not least - 2 carousel posts a day.

It seems like a lot of work and I’ll have to start making videos faster for it to work out, but I don’t think it’s impossible.

🎯Current Stats:

  • Newsletter: 1,379 subscribers

  • Weekly Growth: +39 subscribers

  • Total Growth: +652 subscribers

  • Instagram: 33,761 followers

Thanks for Reading!