Meta Hates Me

G’Day, in the last edition I told you about:

  • 🚹Why Ai Can’t Replace Humans

  • 🧠GPT can be Smart

  • 😔The downfall of r/entrepreneur

In today’s newsletter:

  • ⛔️My Instagram Got Restricted

  • Ⓜ️Meta Verified

  • 😅What Am I Going To Do?

⛔️My Instagram Got Restricted

All that work and now I have no reach.

The restriction allows me to only reach my subscribers, it's the first step towards a complete ban, but in my oppinion it's pretty close.

This all happened because of a joke video about Escobar.

The video

I appealed but to no avail, they are pretty strict.

Having been pushed in the corner I decided search for Instagram support.

Funny enough, it doesn't exist, except for verified users.

Yes, you have to pay for Meta Verified to access "Enchanced Support" which is the only one that exist.

I caved in and paid.

Ⓜ️Meta Verified

That's when the problems began.

Having paid, you expect to get the features you were promised, but you soon find out that in order to get verified you have to send your id and for your Name to match it.

I'm running a faceless Instagram, ofcourse I don't want to share my name.

I tried abbreviations, but I got rejected, so after careful consideration I put my real name and got verified.

Few hours later I got the checkmark and access to support.

As soon as I did I opened a chat and got in contact with one of their "agents"(mostly indian guys who have 0 knowledge of the platform and follow a manual)

Don't get me wrong, the agent was polite and trying to be helpful, but as soon as he realised it was out of his expertise he transfered me to their business team.

They also looked into my case and said that they'll pass it onto another team and I'll get a response within 48 hours.

I waited and waited, but never got a response.

After 4 days I finally got a message.

"We've looked into your case and our team thinks it's best to open a new one on

We believe that your case is solved so we'll close it"

I asked: "My instagram wasn't hacked, why are you sending me there?", but never got a response.

😅What am I going to do?

While I am going to continue posting on this account I also started another one, which I'll grow just like I did with this one.

The strategy is the same with one exception:

Start converting the audience early on, so that I don't miss the initial wave of people like I did with the last one.

🔁Converting your audience into customers

Followers are followers, but they don't pay, they just view, that's why you need to convert them.

Contrary to popular belief, it's best to post selling orientated posts rather than high quality videos connected to your business.

This was mentioned on this podcast(, but I didn't understand it until now.

This single reel got me 30+ subscribers.

🎯Current Stats:

  • Newsletter: 1,430 subscribers

  • Weekly Growth: +8 subscribers

  • Total Growth: +703 subscribers

  • Instagram: 34,040 followers

Thanks for Reading!