Monetization is a Bitch!

G’Day, in the last edition I told you about:

  • 🆕New Way of Promoting on Reddit

  • ⛏️The Truth about Farming Karma

  • 🚀How I Tripled my Followers on Instagram

In today’s newsletter:

  • 🧃Juicy New Ideas!

  • 🤨The Ranking Algorithm is Weird

  • 🤑Ahh, Monetization

🍿The Reddit Drama

Everything I do is very conservative, as some might say.

When I find something that works, I do only that, which is a problem.

I want to grow exponentially, for that I have to try new things, so I decided to do just that.

The first thing I did was a link shortener, something I’ve put off for too long.

As expected, reddit detected it and did not allow any comments with it.

Then I decided to change subreddits and try bigger ones, well that didn’t work either, as their anti-spam is just too good.

Lastly, I tried avoiding commenting on Top posts and pick out what I think might perform well, which worked like a charm.

The thing is that I’ve devoted so much time to reddit, I can recognize which posts are good and which are bad.

Posts get most of their views, while they are upcoming. More views leads to more link clicks and subs, as expected I got around 20 subs, rather than my normal - 10 a day.

🧃Juicy New ideas!

For starters I really have to try posting. I’ve tried to ignore it for as long as I can remember and the reality is that it could get thousands of views, if the post is good.

Another idea I had was to reply to every comment on a post, to get users to receive a notification and see the reply.

This might sound good in theory, but the reality is that every comment costs me 20 cents and even if the conversion is 20%, which is unreasonably high, the CPA is 1$, which is more expensive, then what I am currently achieving - 0.6$.

🤨The Ranking Algorithm is Weird…

In some cases the comment replies can allow a comment with less upvotes to rank higher than comments with more upvotes.

I had a comment which had 40 more upvotes, but not as many replies, than other comments and it ranked lower.

I gave in to my emotions and decided to downvote the comment ranking higher.

I not only failed, but my comment was deleted, which I attributed to karma - “Don’t do what you don’t want done to you”.

🤑Ahh, monetization…

The newsletter, the Instagram, everything I do is a business, at the end of the day and every business exists to make money.

As with any “startup”, a word I don’t like using, but best describes my situation, I am currently doing the heavy lifting with no reward.

In all honesty I am afraid of trying to make money, I’ve been avoiding it, as this social media, influencer type shit is new to me and I could have my expectations shattered if I try.

Nonetheless I have 15k followers on Instagram and nearly 1k subs, which isn’t a lot, but could make me enough money to live off of, while I scale it.

I’ve given it much though over the past few days and the reality is that when you don’t have them, you think to yourself:

“If I just had that, I could be making some serious money”

While in reality your options are limited:

  1. Promotions

    • A great way to start, but volatile and hard to find sponsors and make money at this stage

  2. Own product

    • I can’t think of a physical product other than merch, so I am leaning towards digital ones, like a course, eBook or something like that.

    • Issue is that if I make a course or private community I want the value customers would pay for to really be there, rather than get them to pay for something and give them a general knowledge, like most people do.

  3. Bundled product + community

In my opinion that’s the best option. I could make a course with the knowledge I have which would be in both textual and video formats(I don’t want to show my face).

I could also add a proxy for each person, from my own farm, ensuring quality and ease of access.

Most people would not want to buy from a place, which is more expensive, harder to find and of questionable quality.

Sidenote: If you don’t know what proxies are and what you can use them for, check out some of my earlier posts, I go into detail.

Private community with an application process, which guarantees the quality of people inside it, so that everyone could share their knowledge and help one another, could also be included.

Inside might be an accountability program for everyone to check-in daily and keep themselves accountable, for which I have a developed bot.

Lastly, there are the “trend spots”, trendy styles of videos I’ve noticed are blowing up.

2️⃣Second Insta Is In Motion

Here is a chart of how Instagram engagement is, so don’t be worried if some days it’s just slow.

I’ve reached 16k followers on my main Instagram.

I also started posting on the second. The videos there are all original content and I post 4/day, one style videos, to see if this brings higher reach/conversion ratio, than random content.

🎯Current Stats:

  • Newsletter: 1169 subscribers

  • Growth: +442 subscribers

Thanks for Reading!